Gifted and Talented - Renaissance Australia

Gifted and Talented

How do you identify gifted and talented students?

Children are considered gifted and talented when they show evidence of the potential for high performance in intellect, creativity, artistic ability, leadership capacity, or a specific academic field. These students often require services outside of typical school activities to fully develop their capabilities.

All students deserve a chance to soar

The National Association for Gifted Children makes this compelling observation:

“Too often, giftedness is viewed exclusively as a trait that is manifested in high performance on ability tests, and as something that is inborn, fixed, and unchangeable. This conception persists in spite of the fact that the majority of states include potential to achieve in their definitions of giftedness.”

– Clarenbach & Olszewski-Kubilius (2012)

If we limit the definition of gifted and talented to only high-achieving students, then we miss a large population of students who have the potential to achieve greatness, if only they were given a chance to try.

How can I help potentially gifted students?

Renaissance assessment programs help identify students with the potential for giftedness.


Assess to screen & identify

Use interim assessments to gain deep insight for screening students. Interim data can be used to determine which students need an intervention and which may be ready for an enrichment level curriculum with deep problem solving practice.

Study growth data along with achievement

When identifying which students might need enrichment, pay close attention to students who are not high achieving, but have experienced high growth. This hints at a student’s capacity to thrive when presented with a challenge that sparks their curiosity.

Identifying potentially gifted students helps you

  • Create a rich environment where each child feels engaged, curious, and eager to learn more
  • Be inclusive of many students’ potential to be gifted & talented

By giving all students an opportunity to excel

An ideal assessment solution simplifies the identification of gifted students by:

  • Saving time by analysing data in a similar way to screening students for intervention and displaying that data on intuitive dashboards
  • Providing a trustworthy growth measure to accurately represent student growth
  • Showing you exactly what students know and what to teach next, with resources embedded to guide instruction

See how easy it is to spot your gifted and talented students.